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Distance Learning Update from Mr. Loi

Dear Underhill Families,

Thank you for supporting your children throughout their distance learning experiences. We appreciate your understanding during this time. Underhill teachers will be providing more consistent feedback to students and parents beginning on Monday, March 30, 2020. Underhill teachers will primarily be using email, but messaging apps may also be used depending on teacher preference. We ask that you take a picture or scan your child’s assignment and email it to your child’s teacher. You and your child will receive teacher feedback through email or phone.

Classroom teachers have identified specific items from the Distance Learning Packets/Websites that they will review starting March 30, 2020. Please check the teacher’s Distance Learning Website for the items that will be collected for feedback. The designated assignments and due dates will be highlighted on the teachers’ Distance Learning Websites. There will be 3 items reviewed next week. Please understand that classroom teachers may provide feedback in varied ways, on varied items. Please communicate directly with your child’s teacher if you have questions. You can access the Distance Learning site at

Again, we thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we develop and refine distance learning for our students and their families. We are working on improving our distance learning plan because we know how important it is to provide focused lessons and assignments for your children and to provide you with the flexibility that you need at home. This community has been amazing in its support of one another. Hooksett is a wonderful place to be! As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any issues that I can support you with. Take care!


Benjamin Loi

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