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In School Instruction Resumes on Tuesday, January 19th

Dear Hooksett Families and Staff Members,

I hope this email finds everyone well as we conclude remote instruction for all our students.

Students who receive in-person instruction will return to school on Tuesday, January 19th. I would like to remind parents that students are expected to attend the learning model that was requested prior to the start of the second trimester. The district currently does not allow students to switch between learning models during the course of the trimester unless there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate a change.

I have been incredibly impressed with how our teachers and students have worked toward the successful implementation of the in-person instruction and remote learning models. I realize there have been many challenges that our students and teachers have overcome and will continue to do so for the remainder of the school year. We would not have been able to successfully implement these two learning models without the support of parents in helping our students adjust to this environment. Thank you for your commitment and patience through these ever-changing times.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s principal.


William J. Rearick
Superintendent of Schools

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